09 Apr

Twitter Is A Great Business Booster

Posted in Social Media on 09.04.14 by John Meloche

Depositphotos_35067017_xsIn yesterday’s blog, we discussed the power of Facebook and its ability to grow your business for free. On the Synergy Marketing Facebook page, you’ll see links to our daily blogs each and every day. It is our intention to engage our readers while providing them with direct access to our promotional product catalogue. But, as you know, Facebook isn’t the only social media giant out there.

Twitter is wildly popular as well. But you knew that already. As pointed out by Wix.com, “Twitter currently boasts around 650 million users worldwide.” With so many subscribers, we knew that it was important to begin tweeting again. So just a couple of months ago, we made sure to jump back on to our Twitter account to post links to our daily blogs.

We also know the importance of engaging your audience through this social media juggernaut. Instead of just posting the links to our blogs, we now ask questions to inspire replies from business-minded individuals who would like to learn more. Naturally, the links direct our followers to our website just as they do on Facebook. But Twitter is unique in that it is able to spark interest with so few words.

As The Wix Blog reminds us, “the strongest characteristic of Twitter as a social network lies in its 140-character tweet limit. The updates that are posted here are short and clear. While Twitter does offer visual content options, text-based posts are more dominant and often include links to external websites.” Do you have a Twitter account? If not, what are you waiting for?

As you likely know, registering a Twitter account is free. And just like with Facebook, most users use their mobile devices to check into their accounts to respond to tweets and post their own. It is actually quite incredible just how much power social networking has in the world of business promotion. For no additional cost, you have the potential to connect with millions through their smartphones each and every day!

Wix.com speaks to this phenomenon. “If you’re trying to reach a broad audience that’s receptive to marketing messages, Twitter might be the best bet for you,” reads the blog, “About 39% of the people who took one recent survey indicated that they’d rather hear from companies on Twitter than on any other social platform, beating out Facebook.” The site goes on to reveal there are about 58 million new tweets every day.

Learning Twitter jargon will play an important role in how successful you are using this brand of social networking. Using “hashtags” to join or create conversations, “retweeting” relevant and interesting posts, making “mentions” that include other Twitter users and using “direct messages” to interact with specific Twitter followers are all important elements of using the medium to your advantage.

As well, Wix.com writes that “an important thing to take into account is that the average lifespan of a tweet is extremely short, so you need to be able to post quite frequently – without, of course, spamming your audience – to increase your business’ visibility.” We do our best to tweet daily and should probably do so even more regularly. And if you want to better promote your business, you should too!

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